Internal Medicine and Medical Investigation Journal

ISSN: 2474-7750

Clinicopathological Evaluation of Eyelid and Conjunctival Lesions in Patients of Farshchian Hospital in Hamadan


Author(s): Fateme Eslami, Hamidreza Ghasemibasir

Introduction: The lesions of the eyelid and conjunctiva are benign and malignant. The ratio of benign lesions is more than the malignant, increases with age, and are easily diagnosed clinically. However, in some cases, the clinical diagnosis of malignant tumors is impossible, necessitating the final diagnosis by histopathological examination. The incidence of benign and malignant tumors differs between countries according to the genetics of the racial population or environmental factors. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 424 patients with eyelid and conjunctival lesions from the Farshchian Hospital of Hamadan between 2010?2014. The final pathological report, clinical diagnosis, demographic variables including age and gender, site of lesions, and clinical appearance were extracted from medical records. Results: The lesions consisted of 159 (37.5%) eyelid and 265 (62.5%) conjunctival lesions. The predominant location was bulbar conjunctiva (35.1%), and the least was external canthus (1.7%). The most frequent lesion based on clinical diagnosis was pterygium (51.7%), and the least frequent was sebaceous glands carcinoma. The most frequent lesion based on histological diagnosis was pterygium (52.5%), and the least frequent was xanthelasma. In this study, the concordance between clinical and histological diagnosis was 90.3% that indicated the physician?s accurate diagnosis. Conclusion: According to this study, the frequency of eyelid and conjunctival lesion was similar in males and females. The prevalence of lesions in >60-year-olds is more common than that in other age groups. The benign lesions of eyelids and conjunctiva are common than malignant lesions. Despite high clinicopathological concordance, the physician should always consider the rare cases, and the pathological diagnosis must be considered for all specimens.

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