Author(s): Asghar Khoshnoud, Ali Sharifi Yazdi, Aliasghar Kheirkhah, Hamid Reza Soltani, Moein Ashrafi
Introduction: Fatty liver is a multi-factorial gastrointestinal disorder that can lead to different disease and finally death. It is mostly silent without any obvious symptoms. This study is designed to determine the prevalence fatty liver after cadaver autopsy in 102 cadaver and its correlation with associated risk factors. Method: Liver autopsy was done on 102 cadaver refereeing to the legal medicine ward of Kerman on 2013. Clinical information and pathologic findings were recorded in statistical checklist. Finally data were analyzed with fisher’s exact test and mann-whitney U statistical test in SPSS environment ver.20. Results: Mean of age was 43.25 ± 4.25 Pathologic findings showed 18(17.64) fatty liver. None of risk factors showed a significant relation with the prevalence of fatty liver (P>0.05). Conclusion: According to the finding and based on similar scientific evidences fatty liver in this study has higher prevalence rate in compared with other studies and more detailed study with larger sample sizes is recommended for more accurate findings.