Internal Medicine and Medical Investigation Journal

ISSN: 2474-7750

Perspective - (2023) Volume 8, Issue 1

Effect of Preoperative Oral Carbohydrates on Gut Microbiota in Polytrauma Patients

Hiroki Iriyama*
*Correspondence: Hiroki Iriyama, Department of Clinical Medicine, Tsukuba Memorial Hospital, Japan, Email:

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Digestive microbes play an important role in the development and promotion of human health and disease. They are involved in many parts of human digestion, resistance, neuroendocrine, etc. The maturation results of the gut microbes, propionate and butyrate; contribute to the integrity of the gut mucosa, the integrity of the gut epithelial cells, etc. It plays an important role in maintaining and building a large digestive boundary. This review claimed that preoperative oral carbohydrates could reduce preoperative nervousness, postoperative nausea, preoperative and postoperative cravings, and thirst. The CHO group’s initial rear center exhaust and poo times were faster than those of the general assembly. It is a microscopic organism that colonizes the digestive system of cattle, sheep, and other highly evolved organisms. Lactic acid can be used to prevent the accumulation of caustic lactic acid in the digestive system, aging caustic lactic acid to caustic propionic acid, and participating in the digestion of caustic lactic acid and amino acids, so it is commonly added to ruminant feed. Its management effect the human gastrointestinal microenvironment has rarely been studied. Lactic acid is the result of bacterial accumulation and breakdown in the digestive system. Decreased gastrointestinal motility results in decreased digestive blood flow, accumulation of digestive products, anaerobic processing, and excess lactic acid. At the same time as the gastrointestinal mucosa is damaged, the space in the gastrointestinal tract is improved and enters the blood, causing serious problems. Recently, a number of preliminary randomized controlled trials have claimed that lactate is an important predictor of gastrointestinal ischemia.


Although another review recommended that lactate levels are certainly not directly related to ischemia arrest in gastrointestinal obstruction, they play an important role in estimating early gastrointestinal ischemia. We therefore reasoned that CHO bundle fall times and piston-centered exhaust seasons were shortened, and that the progression of disposal attributes was associated with increased species of Megasphaera_elsdenii. Starch was taken orally prior to medical intervention, and increased carbohydrate in the gastrointestinal tract resulted in an increase in the accessible substrates of Megasphaera_elsdenii in the gastrointestinal tract of patients with comparative CHO stacks and an increase in her Megasphaera_elsdenii in the gastrointestinal tract. Megasphaera_elsdenii fully aged lactate to propionic caustic. Corrosive propionic acid regulates relaxation pathways to colonize gastrointestinal epithelial cells, act on the microenvironment of the gastrointestinal tract, exert specific protective effects on the gastrointestinal mucosa, and promote recovery of gastrointestinal performance. Recently, several studies have suggested that increased propionate may reduce insulin protection above a certain level.


In this analysis, it was also observed that Prevotella convergence was higher in the typical group after medical intervention and in his CHO group before treatment, and declaration of Prevotella was significantly lower in his CHO group after treatment. Prevotella is a severely anaerobic organism, commonly found in the mouth and digestive system. Focusing on the relationship between Prevotella and colitis in mice, prolonged colonization of the gastrointestinal tract with Prevotella leads to a decrease in acidic corrosiveness, thus reducing IL-8 levels and stimulating the gastrointestinal tract. It interrupts the reaction and further promotes obstruction of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Moreover, increased Prevotella was clearly associated with insulin resistance. Prior to this preoperative oral starch intake, glycogen in the body is expanded and co-regulated in some respects.

Author Info

Hiroki Iriyama*
Department of Clinical Medicine, Tsukuba Memorial Hospital, Japan

Received: 01-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. IMMINV-23-96607; , Pre QC No. IMMINV-23-96607 (PQ); Editor assigned: 03-Mar-2023, Pre QC No. IMMINV-23-96607 (PQ); Reviewed: 17-Mar-2023, QC No. IMMINV-23-96607; Revised: 22-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. IMMINV-23-96607 (R); Published: 29-Mar-2023

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