Internal Medicine and Medical Investigation Journal

ISSN: 2474-7750

Ijato James

Department of Internal Medicine, Ekiti State University, Nigeria

  • Commentary   
    Thrombus (Blood clot) in Cerebral Cortex
    Author(s): Ijato James*

    Clotting is normal; however clots may be risky once they do now no longer dissolve on their own. Treatments variety from medicinal drugs to surgical procedure. Normally, blood clots begin as a reaction to harm of a blood vessel. At first, the blood remains in a single place. Two substances platelets (a form of blood cell) and fibrin (a corporation string like substance) integrate to shape what’s known as a platelet plug to forestall up the reduce or hole. Blood clots are otherwise sized clumps of blood which have shaped internal your frame.balloon ride cappadocia.. Read More»

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